In the interest of true one-design racing, and for the good of the Banshee Class, it is required that all BANSHEE class boats as designed by Richard L. Reid be manufactured by builders licensed by Marine Plastics or its successors in holding the license rights.
A. Hull:
Length Overall 13' 0"
Beam Overall 4" 11"B. Sail:
Foot Length 8' 10-3/4"
Luff Length 18' 6"
Leech Length 19' 0"
Mid-Girth 6' 3"Sleeve Opening (half the sleeve circumference)
At Head 4-1/2"
At Luff Foot 7"C. Daggerboard:
Span Below Keelson 32-1 /2"
Chord at Keelson 1 1-1 /2"
Chord at Maximum Span 8-1/8"
Maximum Thickness 1"D. Rudder:
Span Below Keelson 25"
Chord at Keelson 9-7/ 8"
Chord at Maximum
Span 7-1/2"
Maximum Thickness 1-1/4"
A. The hull and deck construction will be fiberglass as built by licensed builders. The thwart and daggerboard box cap may be constructed of wood or fiberglass.
B. No change is allowed to placement or position of mast step, mast step pin, Daggerboard box, center thwart or rudder from that provided by licensed builders.
C. Additional inspection ports may be installed to effect repairs. Repairs shall not be for the purpose of stiffening the hull in excess to that provided by licensed builders.
The weight of the hull only shall be not less than 120 lbs. "Hull only" shall mean the hull and deck including all fittings fixed with screws, bolts or fiberglass, but without lines and sheets. The lines or sheets should be removed when measuring or the measurers at their descretion may make an adjustment, if any correction weight is required it shall be treated as dead weight.
A. Rudder and daggerboard may be constructed of wood or plastic. Their profile shall not exceed the maximum dimensions on the official dimensioned plans and stated (right) except that the design above the waterline is optional.
B. A swing back pivoting rudder is allowable, but must be in a down position while racing. However, a pivoting rudder may be briefly raised to clear accumulated flotsam while racing.
C. Tiller and rudderhead design and material are optional. A hiking stick or tiller extension is allowed. Telescoping tiller extensions are permitted.
D. A dummy daggerboard which must be removable from the top of the daggerboard box may be used to partially fill the daggerboard well if it does not project beyond the wetted keelson profile. Fairings and gaskets at the bottom of the daggerboard well are prohibited. However, carpet or rubber maybe used to line part or all of the daggerboard well to protect the daggerboard from damage or to provide friction to hold it in place.
A. Mast and boom shall be those originally supplied with the boat by licensed builder. Any replacement masts and booms also shall be supplied by a licensed builder. All will be identical material, alloy, weight, shape, gauge, and size within tolerances established by the builder.
B. Pre-bent mast or boom, rotating lower masts, and adjustable goosenecks are prohibited. Adapters allowing the upper mast to rotate are permitted.
C. Mast shall be freestanding. If a halyard is used, it must be fastened on the mast. Masthead sheaves, halyard tubes and locks are permitted. Pivoting or rotating halyards are prohibited.
D. The prohibition against pivoting or rotating halyards shall not prohibit a simple strap or closure across the top of the sail sleeve which retains the sail although the sail may be free to rotate on the strap or closure. Likewise, there is not a restriction on slack in the halyard allowing sail rotation.
E. Tape or other brushing material may be applied to the upper mast spacer collars (which slide into the lower section) or plastic adapters may be substituted for the collars. Reenforcement above the collars to stiffen the upper mast is prohibited. However, a plastic adapter may extend up to 3" above the joint.
G. The boom may have a maximum 18" of track installed on its bottom for adjusting mainsheet block location. This is in addition to an outhaul track mounted within 14" of the end of the boom and installed on its top for the purpose of using an adjustable outhaul slide. The purpose of such track or any other appendage including flotation foam may not include stiffening the boom beyond the maximum expected from those supplied by the licensed builder.
F. The upper mast may be sealed to avoid flooding and for self flotation. Foam plugs may be used for this purpose, but not to stiffen the spar. To prevent stiffening, any plug shall be nominal 2 lb. per cubic foot density and shall not extend more than 4" from the top of the mast or more than 18" from the bottom of the mast.
A. The dimensions of the sail on the dimensioned sail plan (right) are maximums. The sail shall be measured in a completely dry state and laid on a flat surface with tension adequate to remove wrinkles adjacent to the measurement being taken. However, no more than 5 lbs. of pull shall be applied. No measurement shall be taken of the foot depth. All measurements from grommets are from actual grommet centers or from hypothetical grommet centers 1" from adjacent cloth edges which ever yields the largest measurement.
B. The maximum mid-girth is a distance between the leading edge of the luff sleeve and the trailing edge of the leech. It shall be measured between the mid-point of the luff and the mid-point of the leech.
C. Sail numbers are to be assigned to each boat by the licensed builder. Sail numbers and Banshee insignia shall be placed on both side. of the sail.
D. The lengths of the four battens shall be: 18", 36". 36" and 30". No stiffening other than battens in the sail and reenforcement patches adjacent to grommets and battens are permitted. Headboards are prohibited.
E. The position of the battens along the leech is optional. Battens may not be placed in the sail's foot or within 3" of the luff sleeve. The order of the battens from top to bottom shall be:
36" (or 30"),
36"; and,
30' or 36".F. If the sail is reefed, battens may be removed as necessary. Also, if battens are lost while sailing at a regatta, the skipper shall not be required to repair the sail and replace the battens during the regatta.
G. Sailcloth material is optional, except that sails, except for windows. must be made of woven polyester or nylon fiber cloth. Sailcloth weight is optional except It may not exceed a nominal 5.8 oz./yd.2 (180 gr. /m.2), except for patches. This is the equivalent of 4.5 oz. U. S. sailcloth measurement.
H. No more than three unwoven windows are permitted. However, they shall not exceed 3 sq. ft. in total area or be placed closer to the luff, leech or foot than 2".
I. A skipper can not change sails during a regatta unless the sail first used is damaged or torn, lost or found through protest to violate the measurement tolerances. Sail damage permitting a change is limited to those cases when:
(i) the damage occurs naturally,
(ii) tire damage materially could affect performance and
(iii) there is no practical opportunity to correct the damage.Likewise, a sail measurement violation permitting a change is limited to these cases when:
(i) there is a protest hearing that a measurement rule bas been infringed while racing or that the measurement certificate for the yacht is invalid and
(ii) there is no practical opportunity to correct the violation or
(iii) the sail change is an implementation of the ruling in accord with the IYRU racing rules or those of the prevailing national authority. The purpose of this rule is to prevent owners form using an Inventory of sails for different races during a single regatta for performance reasons absent from accidental handship.J. Sails will not be subject to the limitation on batten placement, full length battens or order of battens prior to July 1. 1981.
A. Type and material of running rigging, ratchet blocks. winches, cleats, fittings and blocks are optional.
B. Except for timers, all electrical instruments are prohibited. Mechanical timers, compasses and wind indicators are permitted.
C. Bailers Including transom flaps are permitted.
D. No trapeze or hiking boards are allowed. Hiking straps are allowed.
E. Rule 22.3 (a) of the IYRU Yacht Racing Rules will apply to prohibit the wearing or carrying of clothing or equipment for the purpose of increasing ones weight.
A. The following equipment must be carried when racing: 1 painter minimum 15' long of minimum 3/16" diameter and 1 wearable life jacket or life vast with attached whistle. Wetsuits and float coats which are not certified personal flotation devices do not quality as life jackets. The painter must be attached to the boat in a suitable position for towing at all times and have a float attached to its towing end.
B. All boats must have at least three cubic feet of positive displacement foam flotation rigidly attached or installed within the buoyancy tanks.
The Banshee class was conceived as a true one-design class where racing is a test of helmsmanship and not boats. Therefore, any alteration of hull, deck or spar form and construction, as supplied by the builder, except as specifically authorized by these rules is prohibited. Sails, rudder and daggerboard shall be as supplied by the builder and/or to dimensions and of materials as specified on the official plans and in these rules. Running rigging is optional. Exceptions, modifications and changes from the boat and its equipment as supplied from the manufacturer which breach either the substance or spirit of these rules is prohibited.
A. The fleet shall consist of Banshee boat owners within an area, it must elect a Fleet Secretary and whatever other officers it deems necessary. The Fleet is self-governing is all local matters not conflicting with the Banshee Clays Rules.
B. A new Fleet may be granted a charter upon application to the Executive Committee by three or more members, who are Banshee class boat owners.
C. Fleet charters may be revoked upon failure to maintain, in good standing, a minimum membership and quota of Banshee Class boats.
D. Fleet charters may also be revoked by the Executive Committee for failing to comply with the class rules.
A. The Executive Committee shall be the sole Governing Board of the Banshee Class. It shall consist of a President, Vice President. Secretary. Treasurer and Measurer, who shall be appointed annually by Marine Plastics or by its successors is holding the license rights.
B. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for granting and revoking of charters in accord with Section XIII: rendering interpretation decisions on these class rules: determining the eligibility of boats modified, repaired or rebuilt: Sanctioning class regattas, and hearing appeals from race committees of sanctioned class regattas.
C. In case of an eligibility protest, a boat can be remeasured at any time. In all eligibility matters, the Executive Committee's decision shall be final.
D. In sanctioned regattas, protest appeals may be taken to the Executive Committee. Except for eligibility protests, appeals may only involve interpretation of the class and racing rules. Executive Committee decisions on appeals shall be final. A notice of appeal shall be mailed and postmarked not later than ten days from notification of the decision. The notice shall be filed both to the body rendering the decision and to the Executive Committee and shall contain the grounds for the appeal. The body rendering the decision shall promptly send a copy of the notice to the other parties involved. They shall also promptly file particulars called for by USYRU Rule 78 to the Executive Committee. Also, those involved who had not previously been issued a written copy of the decision shall be mailed a copy. Written copies of the Executive Committee appeal decision with the grounds for the decision shall be sent to all parties to the infringement and appeal.
E. Decisions by the Executive Committee require a simple majority endorsement or vote of the entire Committee.
F. The Executive Committee has the authority to form an International Association.
A. Dimensioned sail, centerboard, and rudder plans shall be obtainable from the Executive Committee Secretary upon request and prepayment of a $5.00 fee which includes postage.
B. Copies of Executive Committee appeal decisions shall be obtainable from the Executive Committee Secretary upon request and prepayment of x.30 for the first page and $.10 each for additional pages including postage.
A. The latest NAYRU and Banshee Class Rules will apply. Either the alternative 720 degrees penalty or the alternative 20% penalty must be used with modifications described below. These written rules can be amended by written or oral sailing instructions and by any standing rules of the sponsoring club and race committee.
B. The alternative penalty rule is modified so that a skipper who, by infringing the racing rules, causes such serious damage to another boat that the other boat has to retire, must also retire and have that race scored as a DNF. If the offending skipper continues to race, the skipper will be subject to protest and a DSQ and will not be absolved by taking the alternative penalty. A skipper whose boat is seriously damaged by another competitor's boat which in causing the damage infringes the racing rules, and who retires because of the damage, without being negligent, will be awarded a score for the race equal to the skipper's average score for the other races in the regatta.
C. Only bonifide current owners registered with the National Secretary or their immediate family members are eligible skippers to participate. This includes coowners wherein all bonifide registered owners of a share are eligible. The sole exceptions are current members of clubs (including school sailing teams) which own Banshees are elligible to participate if the regularly sail the group's Banshees. Applications for class registration must be addressed to the National Secretary and postmarked no later than the date of the first race in the regatta. Submittal of new boat warranty cards to the manufacturer shall also constitute valid application for class registration. Business associates, employees or other non-family relatives of owners are not eligible to participate. The same skipper must sail in all races. The skipper may use his own, a chartered or a borrowed boat.
D. There will be a two-hour maximum for the first finisher in each race. However, the race committee can shorten the course. If a boat does not finish within the
time limit, the race is abandoned and may be resailed. It is not recommended to start any race if the wind velocity is over 25 MPH. However. The decision to start, postpone, cancel or shorten a race at lower wind velocity or if other conditions exist will be at the sole discretion of the race committee. This includes situations where there is too little wind.E. If there are back-to-back races and one or more competitors suffer breakdowns during the preceding race, the suffering competitor may request the race committee to postpone the next race to make repairs. At the sole discretion of the race committee the committee may postpone the next race from the scheduled start time. The committee also can make a breakdown postponement without receiving a specific request. A breakdown postponement normally should not exceed one hour in duration. Rescue boats at their sole discretion may come to the aid of capsized skippers. Skippers receiving assistance shall be deemed DNF for that race.
F. Members of the race committee include the crews of rescue and picket boats. Race committee members will have the power of protest.
G. Inverse scoring will be used with modifications for DNF, DNS and DSQ. Either the Olympic Scoring System or the following "Simple Inverse System" will be used: three-quarters of a point for first place. two points for second place, etc. If a tie exists, it will be broken by selecting the boat that (a) beat the other the greatest number of times, (b) had the most seconds, (c) had the most thirds, etc. DNS receives the number of points equal to the number of yachts entered in the series and DSQ receives the number of points for DNS plus one. DNF receives the number of points equal to the number of actual starters in the race. A DSQ cannot be used as a throw-out race.
H. Protest flags must be red and minimum 12-inch by 12inch size. Protests for a day's racing must be filed with the Protest Committee within one hour after the last finish of the last race that day. Once a protest is filed, it may not be withdrawn.
I. If five to seven races are scheduled, one throw out will be allowed. If eight or more races are scheduled, two throw outs will be allowed. If four or less races are completed, there will be no throw out. Sanctioned regattas will have a minimum of five scheduled races.
J. The crew shall consist of only one person.
K. A bailer, either bucket or suction type is required. This is in addition to transom flaps if installed.
L. At National Championships, measurement shall be made of, but not limited to, the following; Hull weight, maximum profile and thickness of rudder and daggerboard, and sail dimensions including ability of batten pockets to securely hold specified length battens. Participants are forewarned and should plan to premeasure to all the rule requirements. Fleet measurers should assist local owners prior to the National Regatta and if requested by the race committee, assist in the regatta measurement operation.
Revised June 1, 1979
Jim Giles, Secretary
On behalf of the Executive Committee
12186 Winton Way
Los Altos Hills, CA, 94022
Barry Bruch, President U.
S. A.
Dick Reid, Vice-President
Jerry Jones, Measurer
Ron Derman, Treasurer (Appointed 6/30/79)
Norm Clark, Past Measurer
revised (typos corrected) July 3, 2001